Wednesday, November 27, 2019
SWOT Analysis for Panera Essay Example
SWOT Analysis for Panera Essay Example SWOT Analysis for Panera Essay SWOT Analysis for Panera Essay Strengths There is an increasing consciousness in healthy feeding. premium ingredients. and cultural nutrients. Apparently. because of the quickly lifting rate of people who are going corpulent and unhealthy. more and more people are going health-conscious diners. This means that people are going more concerned with what they eat every clip they dine out. Therefore. they are going inclined to take their nutrient based on their wellness and nutritionary concerns. Fast insouciant eating houses are known for providing keen yet healthy nutrient picks. Failing Fast insouciant eating houses provide keen bill of fare that make usage of unique and definite ingredients. As such. when nutrient rising prices happens. fast insouciant eating houses tend to be the first to increase nutrient monetary values. When this happens. people may choose for cheaper options that quick service eating houses offer. Opportunities For every bit long as fast insouciant eating houses maintain their cross-cultural market entreaty. trendsetting decors and decorations. keen bill of fare inventions. and healthful nutrient publicity. they will probably derive and keep their ain just portion of the eating house frequenters. Menaces New entrants in the industry may escalate the competition among the presently bing fast insouciant eating house houses in the nutrient industry. This makes their sector more disconnected. As a consequence. the more fragmented the nutrient industry becomes ; the more hard it would be for each house to aim their clients and increase their profitableness. Restaurant Company strategies to do up for Rising Commodity Costss Raising the bill of fare monetary values Most eating house companies capitalize on land beef. cheese. dairy merchandises. poulet and porc. Since the monetary values of these trade goods have significantly increased over the past few months. they are left with no pick but to somewhat increase their bill of fare monetary values every bit good. Switching bill of fare mix Most restaurant houses are seeking to happen ways to integrate new nutrient picks in their bill of fare so as to have nutrient trade goods with lower costs. For illustration. companies that centered on porc or beef dishes are now seeking to integrate changing nutrient options such as fish. bean curd. and poulet. Changing market mix Some companies adjust their mark market. Alternatively of merely providing to people who crave for steaks. barbeques. and chops. most companies are now spread outing their bill of fare in order to include salmon. veggies. and other culinary arts. Arguments against Healthy Lifestyle Related Bills Trans fat Legislation Harmonizing to the Trans fat statute law. eating houses and nutrient constitutions should be prohibited from utilizing ingredients that contain trans fat. This includes oleo. oil. and other shortenings. While this is deemed as a manner to advance public wellness. many restaurant associations point out that such should be complemented by runs that really address nutritionary consciousness. In add-on to that. they point out that censoring the usage of these ingredients for frying may coerce them to happen healthy replacings that are well more expensive that the former trade goods. As such. it can take to an addition in nutrient monetary value. This addition in nutrient monetary values can. in bend. contribute to the worsening popularity of eating houses and the increasing figure of people who merely opt to dine at place. Furthermore. some of them indicate out that butter and thenar oils may take the topographic point of trans fatty oils. And. while these options are non rich in trans fat. they are extremely known to increase cholesterin degrees and advance arteria clogging and other jobs with the circulatory system. Last. some restaurant associations say that this statute law may motivate eating house houses to finally extinguish some nutrient picks from their bill of fare. This limits the nutrient picks of people. Menu Labelling Bill The menu-labeling measure is applicable for all concatenation eating houses that have more than 14 mercantile establishments all over the state. Based on this measure. eating houses should expose the nutritionary content of the nutrient picks that they offer. in the same size fount as the monetary value. As such. some eating house organisations oppose this measure chiefly because compulsory bill of fare labeling restricts the freedom of eating houses in running their concerns. Harmonizing to the National Restaurant Association. aone-size-fits-all menu-labeling approach should non be applied the full eating house industry. They noted three major points on why such attack should non be promoted: Restaurant repasts are non like packaged nutrients that come in boxes and tins. The stairss in mensurating the nutritionary content of eating house repasts are far harder to cipher and show. Furthermore. nutritionary labeling can be really expensive- with an estimation of $ 850- $ 1. 000 for every bill of fare point tested. Small and family-owned nutrient ironss may happen it hard to manage the disbursal. Restaurants should supply nutritionary informations in a manner that suits their varied clients. There are many types of eating houses and each type should be given a opportunity to supply their ain alone method to supply nutritionary informations. Seventy per centum ofeating house clients opt to custom-make their repasts. As such. any ingredient that they opt to take from their nutrient pick will do a important alteration in the nutritionary content of the full nutrient bundle. This makes menu-labeling an impossible procedure. Mentions: Kennedy. D. . Way. B. . and B. Ryan. ( 2003 ) . Restaurant Industry Trends. Accessed September 15. 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. uwex. edu/ces/CCED/downtowns/ltb/lets/0803ltb. pdf Milford Prewitt Dinnerhouses employ assorted tactics to battle lifting trade good costs . Nation’s Restaurant News. . FindArticles. com. 14 Sep. 2008. hypertext transfer protocol: //findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3190/is_30_38/ai_n6135223 _______ . ( 2006 ) Dining Out Review: Fast Casual Restaurants.Fast Casual Dining Segment Shows Explosive Growth .Accessed September 15. 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. marketresearchworld. net/index. php? option=content A ; task=view A ; id=852 A ; Itemid= _______ . ( n. d. ) Menu Labeling. Accessed September 15. 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. eating house. org/government/issues/issue. cfm? Issue=menulabel
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Essay on Coming To America
Essay on Coming To America Essay on Coming To America Dear Alessia and Little Luca, I really miss Italy; I have been in the United States for about five or six weeks, la terra libera!! But I wish you could be here with me, I always think about our child. However, my new job offers a higher salary and I will start saving some money for you to come here and live a much better life without hunger or poverty, we will always have enough food for our baby and ourselves, che meraglivia! The kind of life I am living now here in America was worth all the pain and suffering I experienced to get here. We last saw each other in Port of Augusta and after I waved goodbye from the boat, I was taken along with other passengers to the steerage, which is located under the deck and we were not allowed to go out of there during the entire journey, many of the passengers got really sick. Di notte, it was always cold and we felt miserable, however, once we arrived we were full of joy and happiness. We got off the boat at a place called Ellis Island where many doctors were waiting for us; they wanted to make sure we would not carry any disease into their precious land. After they made sure I was healthy, some officers started asking many question, I told them I was only here to work and save some money for my hungry family and they let me in. I now live in a city called New York, it is wonderful and it was easy for me to find a job, I thought my lack of experience would be a problem but that was not the case. I work in a huge factory
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Hand Hygiene of Nurses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hand Hygiene of Nurses - Essay Example Action planning involves active participation in the hand washing process, for example, nurses may list when they are supposed to wash their hands. This was also supported in the study by Nicol,, (2009; Curtis,, 2009) where the authors emphasized the theory of planned behavior. The study revealed that the theory of planned behavior could sufficiently help improve the education and training of nurses in hand hygiene behavior (Nicol,, 2009; Curtis,, 2009). This study was also able to demonstrate that deep-seated habits which are incorporated well into a person’s activities have a significant potential of improving a certain activity or behavior (Nicol,, 2009; Curtis,, 2009). The theory of planned behavior also points out that where individuals unconsciously apply certain activities, they also learn to carry out hand washing activities where necessary (Nicol,, 2009; Curtis,, 2009). This study provides a more in-depth and per sonalized verbalization of how habits and planned activities can lead to better hand washing compliance. The value of planned behavior in the promotion of hand washing was also explored in the study by Curtis, (2009; Nicol,, 2009). The authors were able to establish that hand washing is a habitual behavior and planning it into a person’s life can help ensure that it would always be carried out. This study explored the value of planned and habitual activities which can eventually be incorporated into a person’s life (Curtis,, 2009; Nicol,, 2009). It also relates the value of building habitual behavior in relation to hand washing. Through this study, a holistic and specific picture of hand washing is obtained, including the impact of planned habits and behavior on its compliance.
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