Tuesday, January 28, 2020
James Is Intolerance of the Catholic Faith Essay Example for Free
James Is Intolerance of the Catholic Faith Essay Do you agree with the view that the main cause of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was James I’s intolerance of the catholic faith? It was the lack of tolerance in which James showed toward the Catholic faith, but also the large amounts of tolerance to the Protestants in the mean time. James was, almost, too pleasant towards the Protestants and therefore angered the Catholics as he did so, leaving the Catholic’s wanting to display that the intolerance shown towards them was unacceptable. Therefore, historians are able to infer that it was due to James’ attitudes towards the catholic faith that the Gunpowder Plot took place. Source 2 and 3 both agree that the gunpowder plot was due to James dealing with the Catholic faith with a very harsh attitude, also pushing the Catholics into taking measures such as ‘massacres, rebellions and desperate attempts against the King and State’ due to the King driving them to. James ‘dealt severely [..] he took a lot of money’ which he, evidently, didn’t implicate amongst the puritans. James shows a lot of hatred towards the Catholics and their faith through the way he dealt with them. Source 4 supports evidence shown through both source 2 and 3 in the way that it is expressing the ‘utter detestation’ he had of Catholicism and how he was happy to show his ‘hostility against the Catholics in order to satisfy the Puritans’. James states how he couldn’t comply with all the needs of the Catholics which they present to them, however he made no effort to even think about contemplating those needs of the Protestants. The kings hatred towards the Catholics, however, may also have been due to the influence of his inherited chief minister, Robert Cecil, who from Source 3 we can understand himself didn’t enjoy having the Catholic faith around, being warned that if the harshness shown towards them wasn’t to stop then the king would have to intervene in ‘massacres, rebellions and desperate attempts against the king and state’. However, Robert Cecil, down to his own despise of the faith manipulated the situation, applying a larger amount of pressure upon James to continue to treat the Catholics with a harsh manner, shown in source 5, ‘Cecil used every opportunity to infer to James that the popes were rivals to his authority [] something James could not tolerate’. Source 5, unlike source 3, states how Cecil was a ‘staunch protestant’ seeing the Catholics as being ‘tantamount to traitors’ due to their beliefs opposing the king by referring back to the pope, although they both show that Robert Cecil is using his own viewpoint to affect the way in which the King undertake the ‘issue’ of the Catholic faith, just in diverse ways, and therefore a possible cause of the gunpowder plot, which many historians would argue, was due to James’ ministers themselves, influencing the kings beliefs and ideals. Robert Cecil through his influence over the king shown in source 5 can also be supported in source 1 with him stating that the King has been too tolerable of the Catholics and how the king should be harsher towards them and how ‘the King’s excessive kindness’ has resulted to ‘priests preach that Catholics much kill the Kings to help their religion’, and therefore wasn’t James’ intolerance of the Catholics that caused the Gunpowder plot but the tolerance he showed them instead. Many Catholics would say that due to James’ deliberately publicly announcing his ‘utter detestation’ of their faith that James deserved the plot to be against him due to the harshness shown towards their faith and beliefs, which we are able to infer via source 4 telling historians that ‘all priests [] had been expelled and recusancy fines introduced’. Overall through the sources historians are able to infer that James showed a large intolerance towards the Catholic faith, whether it be through him own ideals or influenced by other, which then pushed them into believing that performing the Gunpowder plot upon the Houses of Parliament was for the greater good of their religion, and therefore the main cause of the gunpowder plot of 1604 was King James’ intolerance for the Catholic faith. Amy Poole.
Monday, January 20, 2020
1970 - 1980 Essay -- Essays Papers
1970 - 1980 During the 1970’s, the United States experienced "Watergate," the most famous political scandal in American History. It was a scandal that began with a break in and ended in resignation. On June 17, 1972 five intruders were caught and arrested for illegally entering the rooms of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington’s Watergate Complex. "The investigation of the break-in lead directly to the reelection campaign of President Richard M. Nixon and unraveled a web of political spying and sabotage, bribery and the illegal use of campaign funds" (Washingtonpost.com). Two-and-a-half-years later along with a number of court hearings led to the 1974 resignation of Richard M. Nixon. Nixon became the first President in U.S. History to resign. During all the political drama the United States brought an end to an unpopular war and made great strides in space exploration. The Vietnam War finally came to an end on January 27, 1973 when the United States and North Vietnam signed the Paris Peace Accords. Under its terms, U.S. troops would with drawl from Vietnam. Even though this ended many years of warfare, the "Vietnam War badly burdened the American economy" (Bondi 125). Turning away from the problem of increased debt, America saw technology at its best. On November 16, 1973 NASA gave us Skylab, our country’s first space station: "Skylab offered is an opportunity to do what none had done before – to study the Sun from space" (Eddy xiii). Despite the happenings of Watergate and the weight of the Vietnam War, this ground- breaking space exploration brought excitement and opportunity to the United States. During the 1970’s the world experienced many events, however, there were a few that made history. On... ...od of the piece captured my imagination, and my thoughts for several days" (Michaels 1). Along with Tim O’Brien another popular author during the 1970’s was Alice Walker. Alice Walker was involved in the Black Nationalism movement in the early 1970’s. This group fought to bring economic equality to the African American community. They also wanted to promote a separate identity and a sense of pride. One of their slogans was "Black is Beautiful". This is seen in Walker's short story "Everyday Use." In this story, she involves characters from both sides of the African-American culture. Some represent "new black" and others remain "traditional." Walker is trying to show that African Americans should not be ashamed of their culture or their African American heritage (Raz). In other words they should follow the slogan of the Black Nationalism movement "black is beautiful."
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Cultural context of the play Essay
How does Miller use the character of Alfieri to involve the audience and illustrate the cultural context of the play? Alfieri is used in a multitude of ways by Miller to help the play at various stages. He is a character in the play, which other characters interact with, however, he is displaced somewhat because he comments on the goings on of the play, expands on what has happened to make it clearer to the audience, links scenes together and to a certain extent takes the role of a narrator. The character of Alfieri as a lawyer is wisely chosen. Lawyers at that time were seen as a sign of bad luck as with priests, because they were symbols of the law and â€Å"law has not been a friendly idea since the Greeks were beaten†. This shows that Alfieri does not always bring good news and often brings about the things that people do not want to hear, like when Eddie goes to him and asks what he can do to get rid of Marco and Alfieri tells him that there is nothing he can do. The majority of characters in this play are immigrants who have tried to make a living by living in America so at one point or another they would have wanted to avoid the law. Alfieri being a lawyer also shows us how he is above the other immigrants as they are still uneducated, living lives of hard labour using colloquiums such as â€Å"yiz†which indicates a lack of control or status. However, Alfieri is educated and now has status. The language he uses is so much more formal than that of Beatrice or Eddie. Although Alfieri have status he may not have real respect, just the grudging respect for his status. Others do not see him as one of them , â€Å"see how uneasily they nod to me†. Realistically, Alfieri is the only one of them who has achieved the American Dream, worked his way form poverty to having a good life. Arthur Miller himself was the son of an immigrant and he supported himself through college by working on the docks, so he knew where to come from when writing about the hardships and unreliability of living a life like Eddies. In the area and time that the play is set, the rules of community, the code of honour, is more important than the state laws. Disobeying these unwritten laws and betraying the community could result in ostracization. As with Romeo and Juliet this play features people breaking the family laws, then being suitably punished for it. The issues in this play are ones that have been studied before and will be used again due to the fact that they are still relevant. You will always have people that want to do something that is not against the law but going against traditions in their communities and will often cause them a worse fate then if they were breaking a state law. People can relate to disobeying these community rules. Alfieri’s prologue introduces the play. He sets the scene and tells us a bit about the history and culture of where the play is set, where men where â€Å"justly shot by unjust men†. He also says in his epilogue that people now â€Å"settle for half†¦ we are quite civilized, quite American†. With statements like that you can tell that uncivilized things are going to happen. The opposite of how people are now will come out, the real them. Alfieri also tells us that what we are about to see is not just an ordinary one of his cases, and not simply the â€Å"petty troubles of the poor†. Not only in Alfieri’s prologue does he give us hints to what will happen in the play. Ina act one when Eddie goes to Alfieri and asks what he can do to get Rodolpho out, Alfieri says that Eddie must let go of Catherine and let her live her own life â€Å"because after all -what other way can it end? †he is almost predicting that if Eddies protective behaviour continues then it shall end in a bad way. The epilogue, also delivered by Alfieri helps us to understand things better as well. After all the commotion and high emotions of Eddies death, Alfieri is there, calm and collected as ever and gives us enough of an explanation to get us thinking, but also one that lets us make our own minds up. It offers a sense of rounding off. Alfieri reminds us f why we first liked Eddie, and talks of what a good character he was and how we will all like him far more than Alfieri’s â€Å"sensible clients†. Eddie died because he did what he wanted to and Alfieri can see the strength in this action, however, believes it is â€Å"better to settle for half†in order to survive and for there to be peace. Once again, as in the prologue Alfieri is at ease with us the audience. He is relaxed and allowing himself to be honest, to say what he really thinks. Alfieri comments are almost like what you would do to yourself in your head when analyzing or thinking something over. He is going through his thoughts in an almost soliloquy type way. When I went to see the play A View form a Bridge in the Questors theatre in Ealing the role of Alfieri was show to just as much the boob that he was in the svincter . if your happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap) alice the camel had 95 humps†¦. ride alice ride du du dum cheesh. Im but a little bit bit bit bit show but a little bit bit bit shame but a little bit bit bit , bit bit bit. Peters pepper picked another pickle bearing pussy pepper raaah!!! Vivadixiesubmarine transmitionplot I think that Alfieri is a very good character to have in the play as he manages to fill in all the gaps where extra explanation is needed, such as after scenes. He also acts as an unofficial scene changer, and marks when time has passed or the setting is different. As well as all of this he also points people in the direction of doing things. If it was not for him telling Eddie that the only way he could get rid of Rodolpho was to phone immigration then he would not of thought of it.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Indian Fiscal Policy Impacts - 9621 Words
LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY Term Paper School of Business Department of Management Name of the Student: Azhar Shokin Regd. No.: - 11000968 Course Code: MGT511 Course Title: Business Environment Course Instructor: Vishwas Chakranarayan Course Tutor: Vishwas Chakranarayan Class: MBA Semester: 1st Section: S1001 Batch 2010-12 Student’s Signature Azhar Shokin Topic: - Impact of Fiscal Policy on Indian Economy Contents * Introduction * Literature Review * Research * Article * Analysis * Data and Methodology * Main Findings * Conclusion * Recommendations * References Impact of Fiscal Policy on Indian Economy Introduction In economics, fiscal policy†¦show more content†¦This can be used in times of recession or low economic activity as an essential tool for building the framework for strong economic growth and working towards full employment. In theory, the resulting deficits would be paid for by an expanded economy during the boom that would follow; this was the reasoning behind the New Deal. Governments can use a budget surplus to do two things: to slow the pace of strong economic growth and to stabilize prices when inflation is too high. Keynesian theory posits that removing spending from the economy will reduce levels of aggregate demand and contract the economy, thus stabilizing prices. Economists debate the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus. The argument mostly centers on crowding out, a phenomena where government borrowing leads to higher interest rates that offset the simulative impact of spending. When the government runs a budget deficit, funds will need to come from public borrowing (the issue of government bonds), overseas borrowing, or monetizing the debt. When governments fund a deficit with the issuing of government bonds, interest rates can increase across the market, because government borrowing creates higher demand for credit in the financial markets. This causes a lower aggregate demand for goods and services, contrary to the objective of a fiscal stimulus. Neoclassical economists generally emphasize crowding out while Keynesians argue that fiscalShow MoreRelatedFiscal Policy And Fiscal Policies1046 Words  | 5 PagesFiscal Policy Generally fiscal policy is the set of strategies that government implements or plans to use with certain activities such as the collection of revenues and taxes and expenditure that can influence the overall economic condition of the nation. A well written or planned fiscal policy can lead the nation to the steady path of the strong economy, increase employment and also maintains healthy inflation. 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