Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Out-Patient Department Record Management System free essay sample
But as the years rolled by, the number of patients has grown and various medical cases arise that the manual method of managing patients’ records, prescriptions and appointment schedule, is no longer practical. In this study, we hope to develop an application that will minimize all paper works and manual records keeping, therefore allowing doctors and staff ease in keeping track of patients, reducing patients’ waiting time and increasing the number of patients served – a system that is fully automated, user-friendly, time effective and efficient. Now more than ever, people have become more health conscious and are taking necessary steps to ensure that they have a sound body and mind – that is why everyday many people come to hospitals or health facility for check-ups and treatments. A Hospital is an institution for the medical treatment and care of the sick. Basically, patients spend a substantial amount of time in hospital waiting for services to be delivered by the doctor or health professional. We will write a custom essay sample on Out-Patient Department Record Management System or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The degree to which the patients are satisfied with the care received is relative not only to the doctors’ expertise in their field, but also to the quality of the hospital management. And we all know that as the number of patients continually increase, managing a hospital can also become increasingly difficult, especially if everything is done manually. Statement of the Problem This study intends to design and develop a Record Management System for the Out-Patient Department of Tarlac Provincial Hospital, for the benefit of both the hospital staff and the patients. The researchers of this study seek to answer the following question: 1. What is the present status of the Tarlac Provincial Hospital? 1. Accommodations of patients 1. 2 Reliability of the existing system 1. 3 Enlisting records of patient 2. What are the possible major problems or risks that can be encountered using the existing manual system when it comes to: 2. 1 Time consumption (speed) 2. 2 Efficiency of work 2. 3 Security of Data 3. Will the proposed system help solve the problems in terms of: 3. 1 Accommodations of patients 3. 2 Reliability of the existing system 3. 3 Enlisting records of patient 3 . 4 Convenience in using the proposed system Scope and Delimitation The proposed system will focus in the developing and designing the existing system of the Out-Patient Department of Tarlac Provincial Hospital. Furthermore, the hospital staff and the patients will get the benefits if ever the proposed system will be implemented. Significance of the Study If the proposed system will be implemented the workload of the medical staff will be lighten. The product of the study will help the hospital staff encounters less paper works, organized compilation of patient’s records or files once the proposed system is implemented. With this, they will have more time to accommodate the other patients who needed their services. The records of each patient are safe from an unknown user. And most of all, the finding or searching of the patients record will be easy and take a little time not like with the existing system, the searching of their records will take a lot of effort and their time. To the patients of OPD, faster result will be given to them in releasing or giving their records of diagnosis and prescription. Instead of wasting their time waiting they can do their other tasks. With just a few minutes the patients who needs medical certificate can have it in their hands without going back and forth from a building to another. The two people that will get the benefit of the proposed system are the medical staff and the patients who come in the hospital. Definition of Terms Automate To convert a process or workplace to automation, or utilize the techniques of automation. Efficiency The ability to be productive with a minimum of wasted effort. It is defined by the function of the system to produce organized results, lessen manual effort and its accessibility. Manual System A system involving data processing which does not use of stored- program computing. Refers to the process of recording data of the student without the use of a computer or any machine. Out Patient Department (OPD) – Stands for Out-Patient Department, this depart Record Management Systematic administration of records and documented information for its entire life cycle from creation, classification, use, filling, retention and to final disposition. Managing patients record by recording, updating, storing, organizing, and retrieving. Security The ability to protect and provide confidentiality to the data stored within the data system. It is expressed by the features requiring authentication, control of access keys, backup and recovery, user limits and protection from outside elements and environment. System – A set or arrangement of elements that are organized to accomplish some predefined goal by processing information. Tarlac Provincial Hospital (TPH) Institution that provides a broad range of medical services to sick, injured, or pregnant patients. Mostly the patients of this hospital are at the average class because of a lower cost of hospital bill than to private hospital. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter consists of Local Literature, Foreign Literature, Local Studies, Foreign Studies and Synthesis or Relevance of the Reviewed Related Literature to the Present Study. And also discusses the theoretical framework of the proposed study. Local Literature Dr. Manuel Dayrit stated that: â€Å"The provision of health care is a seamless effort which encompasses preventive and curative interventions. We must synergize efforts the spectrum of interventions, affordable and quality health care must be integrated geographically. †Providing the concept of giving the wellness of Filipinos we must eventually give important to the process on how will be manage our services to our patients with regards to the efficiency and effectiveness of hospital. And with the use of a technology the patients will be having the satisfactory they needed. Foreign Literature Mark Dominic dela Torre stated that: The concepts of a simple dream, a determination, quality nd perseverance are the forefront to any business that leads to successful outcome. Having the concept of determination and assuring quality service to patients, the proponents proposed a Record Base Management System to cater to hospital employees in making their job more efficient thus delivering quality service and determining a successful business. Kneener Lim and Antonette Goyenechea stated that: Records security is also one of t he primary objectives and all the information received from its clients are confidential. The proponents proposed a Record Base Management System for the hospital to make the system perfect where all the records should be kept, thus giving the assurance that these files are secured and accessible for the advancement of the hospital. Carl P. Zeithami Thomas S. Bateman of Management Function and Strategy cited that: In todays environment, planning has become a widespread management function, involving people throughout the organization in the analysis, identification, and selection of goals and priorities. Authors of the book state that planning is very important for every individual, work group, or organization because it helps the systematic process during which decisions are made about the goals and activities, just like companies using a manual system method to carefully plan on what would be the possible solution to make the system work faster so that there is less probability o f errors in the activities, and in considering the need for a computerized system in order to better answer the problem. Local Studies In 1954, Manila Doctors Hospital (MDH) guided by the philosophy that â€Å"all persons, principally the working class, are entitled to the best available medical services at the price they can afford†launched the Industrial Medical Services Department (IMSD) also known as Prepaid Health Services. The department provides services for pre-employment physical examinations of applicant, annual health examinations of employees and executive check-up services for client companies. IMSD also offers medical and nursing retainer services. IMSD services has since expanded and offers pre-employment and pre-deployment examinations and repatriation services for Overseas Contract Workers (OCW), HMO and Walk-in consultations, dental services, psychological examinations and blood donor screening services. Through its continuous and relentless effort to improve the services, the department recently was able to offer five (5) Out-Patient Executive Check-up packages, which includes oman care program, to various client companies and walk-in patients. Foreign Studies Hospital is a phenomenon of 20th century. Its evolution of supporting sick from normal to care of sick and now it is sophistication of providing preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative services is phenomenal. As the hospital has grown in stature, so has its important arm, out-patient department. The activities of out-patient departments have made the hospital a real force in the community programmed, for the prevention of diseases. Much of the investigations and diagnostic work that formerly necessitated admission to hospital wards can now be carried out in a well equipped out-patient department. The new concept extended ambulatory services is borne out of the fact that certain diseases are treated right in out-patient department, without getting patients admitted for long durations as inpatients, thus, reducing expenses for the patients, community and exchequer. Out-patient department services are corollary to inpatient services in the form of general out-patient department, day care, home-care and rehabilitative centers. It is important for planners to know about the catchment area of the hospital so that cost-effective and cost containment techniques will be employed before hospital gets commissioned. This is particularly true, when tremendous strides have been made as far as patients care through out-patient department is concerned. Relevance of the Reviewed Related Literature to the Present Study The studies that were conducted are related to the proponents study because these studies are concerned with the records system of the hospital. Both studies are related in the area of the importance in keeping all the records and files of the patients of a hospital and putting into account solid historical data of the hospitals that could be used to further improve the company’s growth in the future. It will give the assurance that these files are secured and accessible for the advancement of the hospital. It also guarantees that people’s job will be easier, faster and more efficient for the benefit of the hospital. Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework of the study is used to illustrate how the proposed system operates. It also shows how the proposed system differs from the existing system. Figure 1. 0 Theoretical Framework of the Proposed System In the existing system, the inputs are patient information which includes Patient Number, Case Number, Personal Information, PhilHealth Information and Admitting Information. And these inputs are compiled and organized to a folder to sort patients according to their Patient Information. On the other hand, the proposed system gets clearer inputs, an effective process and accurate outputs. On the proposed, the inputs include patient information which the same to the existing system. Then proposed system will store patient information and medical report with prescription to the database. The outputs of this process are printed diagnostic and prescriptions of the patient. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter discusses the different methodologies of research that will be used by the researcher as well as the methods in developing the software system. Under the methods of research used are the data gathering instrument and analytical tools, which will be used by the in doing this particular research. Research Design There are so many ways in doing a good study. There are things that the proponents must consider to form an extensive source for the application, and then there should be an extensive analyst to produce quality or excellent software. The proponent meant to acquire relative research for the application for the proposed software or system. The researchers would be able to formulate solutions by applying these kinds of methods. Descriptive Method. It is defined as the fact finding with data subjected to the thinking process in terms of ordered reasoning. This method was used for analyzing the present status or process in order to determine its problems and limitations. It was also a tool in studying the present Out Patient Department (OPD) of Tarlac Provincial Hospital to be able to know its limitation and strength. The results of the study would help the researchers to determine what features would be included in its design and development. This method was used by the researchers in choosing the best possible alternative to improve the current or the existing system. Library Research Method. Usually this method was done by all researchers to gathered data and information. A library contains reading materials for research. It can provide the needed information regarding what the researcher would need, a library would be a great help to the researchers to develop the proposed system. Instrument/s Used in the Study The Researchers gathered data that was useful in developing this study. With this information from books, unpublished materials, programming language software, interviews (oral and written), and observations, the proponent had chosen the following data gathering materials because they know that they need this for the proposed system. Interview. An interview is act of asking or questioning orally to gather some information. The pharmacists were asked to express their view on the work regarding the current system and on any changes that will occur in the work situation if the proposed system is going to be used. The researchers conducted an interview with a number of respondents, which provided them accurate information that could not be found in other resources. The proponents used this kind of data gathering instruments to know what the problems of the present system are and why it needs to be improved. This is where semi-structured and concern work content, workload, personal control, influence and participation in decision making. Questionnaire. This is also one of the forms in data gathering instrument wherein information gathered is related to the existing/proposed system. This would concern job content, physical and psychosocial work environment. The researchers prepared questionnaires that will be given to the different respondents like the pharmacist and patients. Observation. The proponents gathered data in detailed manner. It was used by carefully observing the process of the current system. The proponents observed and interviewed the doctor during their ordinary work with the current system. This was also determine the limitation of the present system; this is also used to observe the usual transactions happening inside the pharmacy so that the proponents will gain knowledge in visualizing the different functions of the proposed system and how it will run. The goal of this method is to know the work environment problem. Procedures of Data Gathering The method used by the proponents in gathering procedure deals with the direct confrontation with the appropriate person who is responsible in giving information based on the study. These are conducted to obtain the precise and reliable information. The proponents conducted an Interview, Library Research, E-Source Research and Survey Questionnaire. These methods are enumerated below: Interview. The data gathering procedure deals with the face to face encounter or confrontation with the appropriate person who is responsible in giving information. The researchers interviewed the some patients of the hospital and doctor’s staff because the researcher believe that they are the best persons knowledgeable about the study. Library Research. Library is the most essential source of reliable data information and the most commonly used method in data gathering. The proponents used books, magazines and previous research from AMA Computer Colleges Tarlac Branch in their researchers, which are relevant for the study. E-Sourcing Research. This method involves gathering of information through the internet. It’s a tool used in order to gather data/information or search for an idea by accessing and studying the sites or pages of various groups, individual and entities around the world, or wherever digital information is available. Statistical Analysis of Data In most instances, the numerical information in its original form would be difficult to interpret. For this reason, the information is usually organized, summarized, and presented in a form that can be more really interpreted. Statistics is important not only for communicating: it is also provides a basis for decision-making. A Frequency Distribution is a tabular arrangement of data showing as classification, otherwise, grouping according to level or size. In this study, the data to be used would come from the extensive range of the Out-Patient Department of Tarlac Provincial Hospital. Ranking is the order according to some statistical characteristic. After formulating and distributing, questionnaires to the respondents, researchers have sum up the results and arrange these either from the highest to lowest or vice versa. This is a way of organizing the gathered data to determine what possible decision to end up. Figure 2. 1 ERD of Existing System for Out-Patient Department of Tarlac Provincial Hospital Context Diagram of Existing System for Out-Patient Department of TPH If you’re a new patient you will be given an ID card, but if you’re an old patient, you can use your ID card for registration. After showing your OPD ID, you will be given a form to be filled-up then you will pay the necessary fee after that, the patient will bring his/her old records to the OPD where the doctors evaluate the patient’s vital sign or symptoms, then he/she will go to the room where you’ll be checkup. After check-up has been done the doctor who have diagnosed will return the paper to the patient. If the patient wants a medical certificate she/he will be sent in the Health Office. In the Health office the personnel will ask the patient where to use the medical certificate and ask a payment for it. After receiving the certificate the patient is asked to let the doctor that who has done the check-up signs it. Then the patient will return the record to the admission office, and the transaction ends. Figure 2. 0 Context Diagram of Existing System for Out-Patient Department of Tarlac Provincial Hospital Context Diagram of Proposed System for Out-Patient Department of TPH If you’re a new patient you will be given an ID card, but if you’re an old patient, you can use your ID card for registration. After showing your OPD ID, you will pay the necessary fee, the patient will go to the department where the doctors will evaluate the patient’s vital sign or symptoms, and then you will go to the room where you’ll be check-up. After the check-up has been done the doctor who have diagnosed you will save the diagnosis into the database. If the patient wants a medical certificate she/he will be sent in the admission office. In the admission office the personnel will ask the patient where the medical certificate will be used and the payment for the certificate. After receiving the certificate the patient is asked to let the doctor/s that who has done the check-up signs it, and the transaction ends. Figure 3. 0 Context Diagram of Proposed System for Out-Patient Department of Tarlac Provincial Hospital Top Level of Existing System for Out-Patient Department of TPH After the check-up, the doctors who have done the diagnosis will return the paper to the patient. If the patient wants a medical certificate she/he will be sent in the Health Office. In the Health Office the personnel will ask the patient where the patient will use the medical certificate and ask a payment for the certificate. After receiving the certificate the patient is asked to let the doctor/s that who has done the check-up signs it. Then the patient will return the record/s to the Admission Office, and the transaction ends. Top Level of Proposed System for Out-Patient Department of TPH After the check-up has been done the doctor who have diagnosed you will save the diagnosis into the database. If the patient wants a medical certificate she/he will be sent to the Admission Office. In the Admission Office the personnel will ask the patient where the medical certificate will be used and the payment for the certificate. After receiving the certificate the patient is asked to let the doctor/s that who has done the check-up signs it, and the transaction ends.
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